Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Gluten Free Webinar and Consulting Services

 Jumping off of this post, I've decided to offer a survey to find out what my readers are interested in having should I go forward with offering one on one Gluten Free Consultations or group (up to nine other individuals) for a Webinar.

I will be basing these off of Google Plus' Hangouts with Hangouts on Air, as it has a recording feature and automatically uploads to Youtube, allowing you to go back repeatedly to review for any questions you may have asked but forgot the answers to after hanging up. There's also the possibility of utilizing Google Drive for these hangouts.

Please fill out the survey and let me know what you think about this option, and this will allow me to further tailor the program as it is still in the early stages of development.  Once I've had a good response here, I'll likely make one more survey before going forward, to ensure that your interests and needs are best catered to.

I have about eight years experience being completely gluten free (there were hiccups while away from home), and an additional four years of living in a gluten free home prior to my own dietary change. I have learned about cross contamination and baking/cooking with various intolerances (Dairy, Egg, Soy, Rice and Corn), and am currently learning the ins and outs of the Paleo and GAPS diet.

I've been asked on a number of occasions if I would be willing to teach and I believe I'm at a point where I could do this on a weekly basis from my home.

Some things I can help you with include:

Getting started on a gluten-free lifestyle
Finding your local Celiac Support Group
Kitchen and Cosmetic/Personal Care item purging
Meal planning and sourcing of gluten free items
Diet modification for allergies and intolerance
Issues of cross-reactivity
What to do in the event of a glutening
Dealing and coping with family situations, social situations and events
Planning for outings
Packing gluten free lunches for children or your spouse

Disclaimer: I am not a nutritionist or doctor’s assistant. I do not have medical training at this time. If I am unable to help you with something, I will do my best to assist you in finding a professional or Celiac Support Group in your area that can.

Feel free to leave a comment below the survey if you have any questions or further suggestions.

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

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